Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to build a pool?The time it takes from designing your pool to commissioning it will depend on a number of factors, such as the complexity of the design, planning approval, and the erection of pool fencing. There may also be uncontrollable factors, such as lost days due to rain or storms. From breaking ground to diving in, the minimum period is 10 weeks, which accounts for the construction process and concrete curing.
What does the average pool cost?As long as you have a realistic budget in mind, chances are that we can design a pool to match it. The specific cost will come down to the pool's complexity and size, as well as site and soil conditions, your choice of finishings and equipment. Building a pool is one of the most significant home improvements you'll ever make and our aim is to ensure that you maximise your enjoyment and return on investment.
How much does it cost to run a pool?The cost of running a pool is contingent on many of factors, such as its size, evaporation rates and whether heating and/or in-floor cleaning is in operation. The good news is that advances in technology have made today's pool equipment incredibly energy efficient. We would also be pleased to talk with you about efficiency features, such as rain-harvesting and pool covers.
Is a saltwater pool better than traditional chlorine?Traditional pool chlorination requires adding chemical chlorine tablets or powders to your pool water. Saltwater pools generate chlorine by a process called electrolysis. Saltwater chlorination is generally gentler and less acidic than chemical chlorination. This benefits swimmers, the pool, and surrounds.
What are the advantages of a concrete pool?Compared with fibreglass and vinyl liner pools, a concrete pool will provide you with much more design flexibility. A concrete pool can be fully customised to suit your location and provides complete freedom when it comes to size, shape, depth and integrated features, such as planters, fountains, spillways and surrounds. Concrete is durable, low maintenance and consistent with high-quality design.
Which interior surface finish is better, aggregate or tile?Aggregate comes in pebble or glass, while tile comes in glass or ceramic. All of these options are attractive and durable, lasting for decades with very little need for maintenance. The choice comes down to your budget and personal taste.
Is all work and equipment warrantied?Absolutely! All equipment we supply and/or install is covered by the manufacturer's warranty, as well as a guarantee of our workmanship. You also have the added security of QBCC insurance on every project.
I have limited room for machinery. Can I still have a concrete pool?Generally, yes. We regularly work on sites where machinery access is limited, in which case we use smaller equipment, such as Bobcats, during the excavation process.
Glossary of frequently used terms
ACID WASH: The process of cleaning the interior surface of the swimming pool to prepare it for being filled.
BACKWASH: Backwashing describes the process of pumping water through your pool's sand filter to clear it of debris. You should backwash your filter about once a month.
COPING: The material used to cap the pool shell wall and provide a finished edge between the pool and surrounds. Some popular options include concrete, tile, natural stone and timber decking.
CHLORINATOR: A salt chlorinator uses a chemical process called electrolysis to produce hypochlorous acid (HClO) and sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), which are the sanitizing agents that help to keep the swimming pool free from microbes and algae.
EXPOSED AGGREGATE: A blend of components including cement, quartz sand, metallic oxides, glass and pebble applied as a finishing surface to the interior of the pool.
FILTRATION: The process of passing pool water through a filter medium, such as sand, to remove dirt and debris.
CARTRIDGE FILTER uses pleated polyester to capture dirt and debris. To clean a cartridge filter, squirt it with water from a garden hose.
SAND FILTER traps dirt and debris in silica sand. Backwashing (see above) is used to clean a sand filter.
FORMWORK: Built out of timber, plywood or sheet metal, the formwork is a temporary structure against which concrete can be sprayed and shaped. After the concrete has set, the formwork is removed.
HEAT PUMP: An electrical device that transfers heat energy from the environment into the pool water to increase its temperature. This can prolong the swimming season and/or make swimming more comfortable.
IN-FLOOR CLEANING: A system that removes dirt and debris from the pool by using a network of drains and retractable jets that circulate the pool water.
POOL CLEANER: A device or system designed to remove dirt and debris from the pool. Examples are: suction, pressure, robotic or in-floor automatic.
ROBOTIC POOL CLEANER: A unit that traverses the pool interior and removes direct and debris by sucking water through a cartridge filter. Most robots are also equipped with rollers to clean the tiled waterline.
WATERLINE TILES: A band of tiles set directly beneath the coping. As well as enhancing the appearance of the pool, they protect against waterline staining.
WET-EDGE: The waterline overlaps the pool coping to create a "wet edge". Water spills into a reservoir before being passed through the filtration system and back into the pool.